Business Coaching, Consulting & Mentoring Services

Allow us to guide you or your team to maximise your potential

Benefit From Our

For over the last 20 years we have worked with successful businesses from across the construction and property sector, from micro businesses through to large corporates. We really understand what it takes to make a success of it in this industry and we love nothing more than sharing this knowledge with our clients. We help our clients get their business in optimum shape.


We will always operate with the highest standards of integrity. Our reputation is everything.


We will provide clients with relevant and practical solutions which are based on sound empirical evidence.


All our activities will be conducted in a professional, open, and straightforward manner.


We are passionate about this industry and will do all in our power to actively promote the positives of the construction industry to the wider community.

Mentoring Business Leaders

Being a business leader can be a very lonely position. Everyone in the organisation is looking to you for direction and support. You are expected to immediately have the solution to any problem that arises. More often than not the problem isn’t yours but is passed up to you by others in the organisations. Clients always want a direct line to you 24/7, 365 days a year.

Not only are you thinking about the business during working hours, but it is also on your mind when you are away from work, often encroaching into your private time.

The pressure can be relentless, and you get little or no time to switch off. But who can you turn to for guidance and support, who can be there to offer advice and challenge when you need it. Who can help you find the answers to the daily challenges you and your business face.

Well, that is where we come in. We have over 25 years’ experience in business and 20 plus years at senior executive level, we have been in your shoes. We know what the pressure is like. We have worked with over 300 business leaders, from across the construction industry, helping them inspire their people, improve performance and increase profitability.

We can help you see the wood for the trees, get the clarity you need to address the issues, and help you develop the strategies you need to succeed. We can help you develop the resilience you need and provide the challenge you need to ensure you are at the top of your game. We can help you enjoy being the leader, again.

To find out more why not give us a call for an informal no obligation chat. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain.

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Working with Management Teams

Creating high performing teams is a real challenge for every business and the unfortunate reality is that very few businesses manage to achieve this. In the current business climate, average performance isn’t good enough. Your clients expect and demand more from your team. Not only that, they expect to pay less for the privilege.

So how do you take a group of individuals and create the environment that allows each of them to be the best version of themselves, whilst gelling them into a cohesive unit, that supports and drives high performance? If you haven’t experienced this before then this challenge can be terrifying.

Having been fortunate enough to have been part of one high performing team and having created and led one, we can help you define what high performance means for your team and business. We can help you create a compelling vision that provides the focus needed. We can help you build the trust within the team that every high performing team needs and we can help you create the framework and environment that encourages high performance.

To find out more why not give us a call for an informal no obligation chat. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain.

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Management & Leadership Training

The construction and property sector is notorious for failing to invest in the development of their managers and leaders. Yet they expect them to perform and deliver results in increasingly challenges circumstances. The business environment is constantly changing and therefore managers and leaders need to be able to anticipate these changes and respond accordingly.

Over the past 20 years, we have develop bespoke management and leadership development programmes aimed specifically at the construction and property sector. We have developed and delivered in house leadership academy’s and run numerous open programmes. These programmes can be tailored to the challenges your business faces, so that participants get the opportunity to practice in a safe environment the skills and techniques they will need to improve and perform.

To find out more why not give us a call for an informal no obligation chat. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain.

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Improving Business Processes and Efficiencies

In today’s business environment, businesses need to be flexible and efficient in order to meet client demands. Their systems and processes need to be robust and fit for purpose. However, in many causes the legacy systems and processes they use to run their businesses are siloed, out dated, overly complex and result in significant inefficiencies.

This often creates frustration and discontent among staff, who find themselves battling against the system and struggling to provide the service that clients demand.

We can help provide the external perspective and overview of your systems and processes to assess their effectiveness. We can help you streamline and create new ways of working, which engage your staff and add value to your clients. We can help you create the resilience and efficiencies that best serve your clients.

To find out more why not give us a call for an informal no obligation chat. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain.

What Our Clients Say

We know we know our stuff, but don’t just take our word for it, below is a small selection of our client testimonials.

I have known Paul for a good many years and I have witnessed first-hand the positive impact he can have on a business and its leadership team. He understands the construction industry. He is a strategic thinker and knows what it takes to make businesses successful in the sector. He works closely with business leaders, helping them diagnose the issues, and helping them to find practical solutions, which lead to significant and tangible business improvements. If you want to improve and grow your business, you definitely need to speak to Paul.

Graham Kelly Thomas Johnstone Limited
Graham Kelly

We have worked with Paul on a number of occasions now. We have always found him to be very knowledgeable and professional. He understands our business and our markets. He provides sound practical advice, which adds value.

Martin McHugh Martec Engineering
Martin McHugh

I have known Paul for many years as a trusted business contact and he is a clear thinker and straight talker. He is someone I would absolutely recommend to any business owner, especially in the construction sector, to help support and guide them and their business.

Paul is vastly experienced and well qualified to help formulate and implement a proper strategy to help a business stabilise and/or grow.

Stuart Dougal Onside Advisory Ltd
Stuart Dougal

I have had the pleasure in working with Paul for over good number of years. He has successfully supported a diverse range of business , from start-ups, SMES and Corporates. His wealth of knowledge, both at national and international levels, in business growth, commerce and marketing is second to none, as well as his professional mentoring skills in supporting individuals to attain their business goals. I wish him every success in his new venture.

Janette Young Managing Director HR Routes
Janette Young

We at Concept Office are incredibly grateful to Paul McDevitt for his invaluable mentorship and guidance during a pivotal time for our business. Paul’s deep insights and strategic thinking helped us shift our mindset, unlocking new perspectives that we hadn’t considered before. With his expert advice, we were able to identify fresh opportunities that aligned with our strengths and market needs, ultimately turning our business around.

Paul’s approach was not just about providing solutions but empowering us to think differently and challenge our assumptions. His ability to simplify complex challenges and inspire confidence in our decision-making was transformative.

John O'Mara Concept Office
John O'Mara

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